DEBUG - 2022-06-14 10:07:50 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 10:07:50 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 10:08:16 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 10:08:16 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:29:13 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:29:13 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:30:44 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:30:44 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:31:44 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:31:44 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:32:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:32:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:33:50 --> !!!!! notifyReturnUrl !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:33:50 --> notifyReturnUrl sql update identity_verification set code = ?,message = ? ,tid = ?,auth_info = ? where t_uu_id = ? ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:33:50 --> notifyReturnUrl param ["0","","202206146839596","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","683830d7-53ef-44a8-b283-e4dc0127620f"] ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:33:51 --> reqGetAuthCode sql select auth_info,tid from identity_verification where t_uu_id = ? ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:33:51 --> reqGetAuthCode t_uu_id 683830d7-53ef-44a8-b283-e4dc0127620f DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:33:59 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:33:59 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:34:01 --> confirmPAuthenticationReq sql update identity_verification set result = ? where t_uu_id = ? ERROR - 2022-06-14 11:34:01 --> confirmPAuthenticationReq param ["Y","683830d7-53ef-44a8-b283-e4dc0127620f"] DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:34:26 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10240 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:34:26 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:36:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10240 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 11:36:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 12:04:10 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 12:04:10 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 12:09:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 12:09:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:26:11 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:26:11 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:26:29 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:26:29 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:26:46 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:26:46 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:27:05 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:27:05 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:30:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:30:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:32:01 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:32:01 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:33:00 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:33:00 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:33:37 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:33:37 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:41:42 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:41:42 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:42:30 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:42:30 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:45:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:45:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:46:10 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:46:10 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:46:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:46:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:47:06 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:47:06 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:47:31 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:47:31 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:50:46 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:50:46 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:52:15 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:52:15 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:53:34 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:53:34 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:59:02 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 13:59:02 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:05:03 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:05:03 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:05:34 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:05:34 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:06:55 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:06:55 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:07:54 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:07:54 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:20:21 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:20:21 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:27:17 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:27:17 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 14:27:20 --> syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting ']' #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Autoloader\Autoloader.php(296): CodeIgniter\Autoloader\Autoloader->requireFile('C:\\svn\\pinkey\\f...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Autoloader\Autoloader.php(258): CodeIgniter\Autoloader\Autoloader->loadInNamespace('App\\Controllers...') #2 [internal function]: CodeIgniter\Autoloader\Autoloader->loadClass('App\\Controllers...') #3 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('App\\Controllers...') #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(865): class_exists('\\App\\Controller...', true) #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(390): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->startController() #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:36:04 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:36:04 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 14:36:05 --> syntax error, unexpected '{', expecting ']' #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Autoloader\Autoloader.php(296): CodeIgniter\Autoloader\Autoloader->requireFile('C:\\svn\\pinkey\\f...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Autoloader\Autoloader.php(258): CodeIgniter\Autoloader\Autoloader->loadInNamespace('App\\Controllers...') #2 [internal function]: CodeIgniter\Autoloader\Autoloader->loadClass('App\\Controllers...') #3 [internal function]: spl_autoload_call('App\\Controllers...') #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(865): class_exists('\\App\\Controller...', true) #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(390): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->startController() #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:43:21 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:43:21 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:44:38 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:44:38 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:44:59 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:44:59 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:45:28 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:45:28 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:59:27 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 14:59:27 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:00:04 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:00:04 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:00:40 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:00:40 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:03:33 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:03:33 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:05:05 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:05:05 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:06:50 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:06:50 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:07:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:07:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:08:40 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:08:40 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:08:56 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:08:56 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:09:24 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:09:24 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:10:54 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:10:54 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:25:45 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:25:45 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:26:41 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:26:41 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:29:35 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:29:35 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:39:31 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:39:31 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:40:41 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:40:41 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:41:33 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:41:33 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:42:44 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 15:42:44 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:00:50 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:00:50 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:02:40 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:02:40 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:05:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:05:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:06:37 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:06:37 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:07:19 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:07:19 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:08:12 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:08:12 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:09:13 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:09:13 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:09:31 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:09:31 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:13:31 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:13:31 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:14:58 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:14:58 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:15:17 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:15:17 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:15:21 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:15:21 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:16:42 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:16:42 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:19:38 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:19:38 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:20:20 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:20:20 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:21:10 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:21:10 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:16 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:16 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:55 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:55 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:57 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:22:57 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:25:03 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:25:03 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:25:14 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:25:14 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:27:37 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:27:37 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:29:24 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:29:24 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:30:50 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:30:50 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:31:38 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:31:38 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:34:59 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:34:59 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:35:54 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:35:54 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:37:08 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:37:08 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:37:59 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:37:59 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:38:42 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:38:42 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:39:17 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:39:17 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:45:12 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:45:12 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:48:44 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:48:44 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:48:55 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:48:55 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:02 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:02 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:10 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:10 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:37 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:37 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:47 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:47 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:55 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:49:55 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:50:34 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:50:34 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:52:18 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:52:18 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:52:54 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:52:54 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:53:37 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:53:37 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:54:58 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:54:58 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:55:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:55:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:56:18 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:56:18 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:57:03 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 16:57:03 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:03:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:03:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:09:58 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:09:58 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:11:29 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:11:29 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:12:05 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:12:05 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:35:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:35:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:37:49 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:37:49 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:38:10 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:38:10 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:39:24 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:39:24 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:43:33 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:43:33 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:44:19 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:44:19 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:57:34 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:57:34 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:57:46 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:57:46 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:59:47 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 17:59:47 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:06:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:06:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:08:33 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:08:33 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:08:47 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:08:47 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:09:27 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10212' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:09:27' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:09:27 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:09:29 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:09:29 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:09:28 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:09:29 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:09:29 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:10:19 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:10:19 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:11:54 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:11:54 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:12:12 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:12:12 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:12:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:12:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:12:32 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:12:32 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:16:42 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:16:42 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 18:16:42 --> mysqli_sql_exception: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns in C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php:335 Stack trace: #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 18:16:42 --> The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:16:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:16:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 18:16:52 --> mysqli_sql_exception: The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns in C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php:335 Stack trace: #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 18:16:52 --> The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:18:56 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:18:56 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 18:18:56 --> mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON' at line 1 in C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php:335 Stack trace: #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 18:18:56 --> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON' at line 1 #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:19:06 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:19:06 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 18:19:06 --> mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON' at line 1 in C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php:335 Stack trace: #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 18:19:06 --> You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON' at line 1 #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('SELECT 'RCSE' a...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\HomeController.php(47): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('SELECT 'RCSE' a...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\HomeController->main() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\HomeController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:20:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:20:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:25:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:25:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:25:53 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10222' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:25:53' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:25:53 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:25:48 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:25:48 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:25:53 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:25:48 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:25:48 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:28:41 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:28:41 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:28:46 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10222' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:28:46' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:28:46 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:28:41 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:28:41 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:28:46 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:28:41 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:28:41 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:29:51 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:29:51 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:30:09 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10222' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:30:09' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:30:09 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:30:04 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:30:04 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:30:09 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:30:05 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:30:05 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:30:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:30:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:30:57 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10222' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:30:57' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:30:57 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:30:53 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:30:53 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:30:59 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:30:53 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:30:53 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:32:47 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10222' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:32:43 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:32:43 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:32:48 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10222' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:32:43 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:32:43 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:32:49 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:32:45 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:32:45 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:32:49 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:32:45 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:32:45 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:34:10 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:34:10 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:35:00 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:35:00 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:35:49 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10212' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:35:49' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:35:49 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:35:50 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:35:50 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:35:49 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:35:50 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:35:50 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:39:13 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:39:13 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:39:17 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10212' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:39:17' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:39:17 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:39:18 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:39:18 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:39:18 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:39:19 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:39:19 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:39:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:39:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:40:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:40:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:41:05 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10212' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:41:05' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:41:05 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:41:06 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:41:06 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:41:05 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:41:07 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:41:07 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:13 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:14 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:14 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:13 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:14 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:14 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:16 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:17 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:17 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:16 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:17 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:17 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:18 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:19 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:19 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:18 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:19 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:19 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:20 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2021/12/14 18:42:21 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:21 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:21 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:22 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:22 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:21 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:22 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:22 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:22 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2021/12/14 18:42:24 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:24 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:23 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/03/14 18:42:24 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:24 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:42:24 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:42:25 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:42:25 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:43:19 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:43:19 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:43:24 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:43:24 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:30 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10212' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 18:43:30' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:30 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:31 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:31 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:41 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:42 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:42 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:42 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:43 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:43 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:52 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:53 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:53 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:53 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:54 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:54 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:54 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:55 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:55 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:55 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/03/14 18:43:56 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:56 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 18:43:58 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinChargeExchangeController doPaging query : SELECT pin_charge_exchange_history.*,,account.account_name FROM pin_charge_exchange_history LEFT JOIN member ON member.idx = pin_charge_exchange_history.member_idx LEFT JOIN account ON account.bank_code = pin_charge_exchange_history.bank_code WHERE member_idx = '10212' AND type in(0,1) AND create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 18:43:59 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 18:43:59 23:59:59' ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:44:01 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:44:01 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:47:24 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 18:47:24 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:19:39 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:19:39 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:19:59 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:19:59 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:22:13 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:22:13 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:24:05 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:24:05 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:34:08 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:34:08 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:35:48 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:35:48 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:41:04 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:41:04 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:41:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:41:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:43:27 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:43:27 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:44:29 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:44:29 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:47:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:47:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:51:12 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:51:12 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:52:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:52:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:54:08 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 19:54:08 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:13:40 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:13:40 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:13:45 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:13:45 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:14:19 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:14:19 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:15:07 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:15:07 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:15:45 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:15:45 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:16:24 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:16:24 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:17:07 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:17:07 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:17:59 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:17:59 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:18:38 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:18:38 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:18:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:18:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:19:35 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:19:35 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:20:09 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:20:09 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:33:42 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:33:42 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:33:58 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:33:58 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:34:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:34:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:35:38 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:35:38 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:36:34 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:36:34 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:38:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:38:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:48:46 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:48:46 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:50:05 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:50:05 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:50:51 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:50:51 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:51:36 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:51:36 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:52:09 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:52:09 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:54:00 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:54:00 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:55:27 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:55:27 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:56:19 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:56:19 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:56:25 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:56:25 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:34 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:34 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:41 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:41 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:46 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:46 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:52 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:57:52 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:58:00 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 20:58:00 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:02:22 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:02:22 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:02:29 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:02:29 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:02:33 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:02:33 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:04:53 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:04:53 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:06:31 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:06:31 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:08:41 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:08:41 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:09:44 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:09:44 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:09:51 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:09:51 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:15:14 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10222 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:15:14 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 21:15:16 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10222' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 21:15:16' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 21:15:17 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10222 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 21:15:15 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 21:15:15 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:43:21 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:43:21 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 21:43:36 --> Using $this when not in object context #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController.php(305): App\Util\SMS::sendSMS('f0c3fc9c14019d0...', Array, '01033138591', '\xEC\x95\x88\xEB\x85\x95\xED\x95\x98\xEC\x84\xB8\xEC\x9A\x94...', 'Pinkey', '') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController->sendPinGroupMember() #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController)) #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #5 {main} DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:47:05 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:47:05 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 21:47:20 --> mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'call, type, amount) VALUES('10212','01039673272',1,'10000')' at line 1 in C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php:335 Stack trace: #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('INSERT INTO no_...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('INSERT INTO no_...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('INSERT INTO no_...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController.php(486): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('INSERT INTO no_...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController->reqRecvPinGroupMember() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} ERROR - 2022-06-14 21:47:20 --> reqRecvPinGroupMember [MYSQL EXCEPTION] message (code) : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'call, type, amount) VALUES('10212','01039673272',1,'10000')' at line 1 (1064) ERROR - 2022-06-14 21:47:20 --> ::::::::::::::: reqRecvPinGroupMember query : INSERT INTO no_member_pin_req_recv_send_info (member_idx, call, type, amount) VALUES('10212','01039673272',1,'10000') DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:50:03 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:50:03 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:50:08 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:50:08 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 INFO - 2022-06-14 21:50:37 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController index query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = '10212' AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022-05-15 21:50:37' AND NOW() GROUP BY ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 INFO - 2022-06-14 21:50:37 --> ::::::::::::::: MyPinRecvSendController doPaging query : SELECT,friend_list.nick_name,pin_recv_send_info.* FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as me ON me.idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx LEFT JOIN friend_list ON friend_list.member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.member_idx AND friend_list.friend_member_idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE pin_recv_send_info.member_idx = 10212 AND pin_recv_send_info.type in (0,1) AND pin_recv_send_info.create_dt BETWEEN '2022/05/14 21:50:41 00:00:00' AND '2022/06/14 21:50:41 23:59:59' ORDER BY pin_recv_send_info.create_dt DESC limit 0,20 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:56:33 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:56:33 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 ERROR - 2022-06-14 21:56:43 --> mysqli_sql_exception: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'call, type, amount) VALUES('10212','01039673272',1,'10000')' at line 1 in C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php:335 Stack trace: #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\MySQLi\Connection.php(335): mysqli->query('INSERT INTO no_...') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(738): CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection->execute('INSERT INTO no_...') #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\Database\BaseConnection.php(666): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->simpleQuery('INSERT INTO no_...') #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController.php(486): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection->query('INSERT INTO no_...', Array) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController->reqRecvPinGroupMember() #5 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController)) #6 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #7 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #8 {main} ERROR - 2022-06-14 21:56:43 --> reqRecvPinGroupMember [MYSQL EXCEPTION] message (code) : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'call, type, amount) VALUES('10212','01039673272',1,'10000')' at line 1 (1064) ERROR - 2022-06-14 21:56:43 --> ::::::::::::::: reqRecvPinGroupMember query : INSERT INTO no_member_pin_req_recv_send_info (member_idx, call, type, amount) VALUES('10212','01039673272',1,'10000') DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:56:47 --> HomeController main member_idx: 10212 DEBUG - 2022-06-14 21:56:47 --> HomeController main sql: SELECT 'RCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'RERCSE' as etype, other_member_idx, , type, amount, pin_req_recv_send_info.status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_req_recv_send_info LEFT JOIN member as other ON other.idx = pin_req_recv_send_info.other_member_idx WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'SH' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id,0 as type, amount,0 as status, price, shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_shoping_info WHERE member_idx = ? UNION ALL SELECT 'CHEX' as etype, 0 as other_member_idx,'' as id ,type, money as amount, status, 0 as price, '' as shop_name, create_dt FROM pin_charge_exchange_history WHERE member_idx = ? ORDER BY create_dt DESC limit 7 CRITICAL - 2022-06-14 21:57:22 --> Using $this when not in object context #0 C:\svn\pinkey\front\app\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController.php(305): App\Util\SMS::sendSMS('f0c3fc9c14019d0...', Array, '01033138591', '\xEC\x95\x88\xEB\x85\x95\xED\x95\x98\xEC\x84\xB8\xEC\x9A\x94...', 'Pinkey', '') #1 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(914): App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController->sendPinGroupMember() #2 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(400): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->runController(Object(App\Controllers\MyPinRecvSendController)) #3 C:\svn\pinkey\front\system\CodeIgniter.php(308): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(NULL, Object(Config\Cache), false) #4 C:\svn\pinkey\front\public\index.php(47): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() #5 {main}