ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:22 --> 11056021 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:26 --> addBetting : itemId : 0 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:26 --> addBetting : itemValue : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:29 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:31 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:37 --> 11020334 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:43 --> 11020334 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:47 --> addBetting : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:47 --> addBetting : itemValue : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> doAddBet1 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! useItem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> insertLog ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> doAddBet2 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> checkItemIdx memberIdx : 3 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> checkItemIdx itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:00:55 --> checkItemIdx itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:14 --> addBetting : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:14 --> addBetting : itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> doAddBet1 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! useItem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> insertLog ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> doAddBet2 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> checkItemIdx memberIdx : 3 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> checkItemIdx itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> checkItemIdx itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:35 --> checkItemIdx item : null ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:52 --> addBetting : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:52 --> addBetting : itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> doAddBet1 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! useItem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> insertLog ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> doAddBet2 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> checkItemIdx memberIdx : 3 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> checkItemIdx itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> checkItemIdx itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:55 --> checkItemIdx item : null ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:56 --> ::::::::::::::: addBet 1 error : null ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:05:56 --> RewardBettingComps rec : {"money":"981600","point":"3201","type":"prematch_s","myself_bet":"1.0","recommender_bet":"0.0","recommend_member":"1","p_point":"0","p_money":"0","p_u_business":"10"} CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:05 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsAllCountQueryString_start : 3 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:05 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsAllCountQueryString_start query : SELECT fix.fixture_id, fix.fixture_sport_id, fix.fixture_location_id, fix.fixture_league_id, IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) as fixture_start_date, as sport_name, sports.display_order as sport_display_order, league.display_name as fixture_league_name, as league_name, league.image_path as fixture_league_image_path, as fixture_location_name, locations.image_path as fixture_location_image_path FROM lsports_fixtures as fix LEFT JOIN lsports_leagues as league ON fix.fixture_league_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_sports as sports ON fix.fixture_sport_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_bet as bet ON fix.fixture_id = bet.fixture_id LEFT JOIN lsports_markets as markets ON bet.markets_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_locations as locations ON fix.fixture_location_id = WHERE fix.bet_type = 1 AND IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) BETWEEN ? AND ? AND fix.admin_bet_status = 'ON' AND ( IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 1 OR IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 2 AND NOW() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -10 MINUTE) AND DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -1 MINUTE)) AND (CASE WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 6046 THEN bet.markets_id = 1 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 35232 THEN bet.markets_id = 1 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 48242 THEN bet.markets_id = 226 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 154914 THEN bet.markets_id = 226 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 154830 THEN bet.markets_id = 52 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 154919 THEN bet.markets_id = 52 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 687890 THEN bet.markets_id = 52 ELSE 1 = 1 END) AND IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_status_passivity,bet.bet_status) = 1 AND bet.bet_type = 1 AND bet.admin_bet_status = 'ON' AND sports.is_use = 1 and sports.bet_type = 1 AND league.is_use = 1 and league.bet_type = 1 AND markets.bet_group = 1 AND markets.is_delete = 0 AND markets.sport_id = fix.fixture_sport_id GROUP BY fix.fixture_id,IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) ORDER BY fixture_start_date asc ,league.display_name ,fix.fixture_sport_id CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:05 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsAllCountQueryString_start query param : ["2023-07-26 03:10:02","2023-07-27 03:09:02"] CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:10 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsQueryString :5 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:10 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsQueryString query :SELECT bet.bet_id, bet.fixture_id, bet.bet_base_line, bet.bet_line, bet.bet_name, bet.providers_id, IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_status_passivity,bet.bet_status) as bet_status, IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_price_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_price_passivity,bet.bet_price) as bet_price, bet.last_update, bet.update_dt, as markets_id,, markets.limit_bet_price, markets.max_bet_price, fix.fixture_sport_id, as fixture_sport_name, fix.fixture_location_id, as fixture_location_name, fix.fixture_league_id, league.display_name as fixture_league_name, IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) as fixture_start_date, IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) as display_status, p1.team_name as p1_team_name, p1.display_name as p1_display_name, p2.team_name as p2_team_name, p2.display_name as p2_display_name, league.display_name as league_display_name, league.image_path as league_image_path, location.image_path as location_image_path, as location_display_name, location.name_en as location_name_en, div_policy.amount, div_policy.amount - (select sum_bet_money from fixtures_bet_sum as bet_sum where bet_sum.member_idx = 3 and bet_sum.fixture_id = fix.fixture_id and bet_sum.bet_type = 1) as leagues_m_bet_money FROM lsports_bet as bet LEFT JOIN lsports_fixtures as fix ON bet.fixture_id = fix.fixture_id LEFT JOIN lsports_participant as p1 ON fix.fixture_participants_1_id = p1.fp_id LEFT JOIN lsports_participant as p2 ON fix.fixture_participants_2_id = p2.fp_id LEFT JOIN lsports_leagues as league ON fix.fixture_league_id = LEFT JOIN dividend_policy as div_policy ON league.dividend_rank = div_policy.rank LEFT JOIN lsports_locations as location ON fix.fixture_location_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_markets as markets ON bet.markets_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_sports as sports ON = fix.fixture_sport_id WHERE ( IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 1 OR IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 2 AND NOW() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -10 MINUTE) AND DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -1 MINUTE)) AND IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_status_passivity,bet.bet_status) = 1 AND bet.admin_bet_status = 'ON' AND bet.bet_type = 1 AND fix.fixture_id IN (11056021,11020334,11020277,11061526,11055753,11056756,11056774,11055868,11061342,11055922,11055542,11055949,11055759,11062285,11055745,11056785,10933809,11055751,11055746,11055754,11061565,11055858,11055438,11055474,11055859,11055967,11056081,11055860,11055509,11055221,11055959,11055747,11061567,11055863,11055748,11056101,11056079,11055861,11055220,11055760,11055750,11050507,11050517,11050519,11050514,11050513,11050505,11050515,11055513,11050518) AND fix.bet_type = 1 AND sports.is_use = 1 and sports.bet_type = 1 AND league.is_use = 1 and league.bet_type = 1 AND markets.bet_group = 1 AND markets.is_delete = 0 AND fix.fixture_sport_id = markets.sport_id AND div_policy.type = 1 AND div_policy.level = 1 GROUP BY bet.bet_id, bet.fixture_id,IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) ORDER BY fixture_start_date asc ,fix.fixture_sport_id,league.display_name,bet.bet_name,bet.bet_base_line *1 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:10 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports Time : 9 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:21 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsAllCountQueryString_start : 2 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:21 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsAllCountQueryString_start query : SELECT fix.fixture_id, fix.fixture_sport_id, fix.fixture_location_id, fix.fixture_league_id, IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) as fixture_start_date, as sport_name, sports.display_order as sport_display_order, league.display_name as fixture_league_name, as league_name, league.image_path as fixture_league_image_path, as fixture_location_name, locations.image_path as fixture_location_image_path FROM lsports_fixtures as fix LEFT JOIN lsports_leagues as league ON fix.fixture_league_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_sports as sports ON fix.fixture_sport_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_bet as bet ON fix.fixture_id = bet.fixture_id LEFT JOIN lsports_markets as markets ON bet.markets_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_locations as locations ON fix.fixture_location_id = WHERE fix.bet_type = 1 AND IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) BETWEEN ? AND ? AND fix.admin_bet_status = 'ON' AND ( IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 1 OR IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 2 AND NOW() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -10 MINUTE) AND DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -1 MINUTE)) AND (CASE WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 6046 THEN bet.markets_id = 1 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 35232 THEN bet.markets_id = 1 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 48242 THEN bet.markets_id = 226 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 154914 THEN bet.markets_id = 226 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 154830 THEN bet.markets_id = 52 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 154919 THEN bet.markets_id = 52 WHEN fix.fixture_sport_id = 687890 THEN bet.markets_id = 52 ELSE 1 = 1 END) AND IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_status_passivity,bet.bet_status) = 1 AND bet.bet_type = 1 AND bet.admin_bet_status = 'ON' AND sports.is_use = 1 and sports.bet_type = 1 AND league.is_use = 1 and league.bet_type = 1 AND markets.bet_group = 1 AND markets.is_delete = 0 AND markets.sport_id = fix.fixture_sport_id GROUP BY fix.fixture_id,IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) ORDER BY fixture_start_date asc ,league.display_name ,fix.fixture_sport_id CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:21 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsAllCountQueryString_start query param : ["2023-07-26 03:10:19","2023-07-27 03:09:19"] CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:26 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsQueryString :5 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:26 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports t_getAvgSportsQueryString query :SELECT bet.bet_id, bet.fixture_id, bet.bet_base_line, bet.bet_line, bet.bet_name, bet.providers_id, IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_status_passivity,bet.bet_status) as bet_status, IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_price_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_price_passivity,bet.bet_price) as bet_price, bet.last_update, bet.update_dt, as markets_id,, markets.limit_bet_price, markets.max_bet_price, fix.fixture_sport_id, as fixture_sport_name, fix.fixture_location_id, as fixture_location_name, fix.fixture_league_id, league.display_name as fixture_league_name, IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) as fixture_start_date, IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) as display_status, p1.team_name as p1_team_name, p1.display_name as p1_display_name, p2.team_name as p2_team_name, p2.display_name as p2_display_name, league.display_name as league_display_name, league.image_path as league_image_path, location.image_path as location_image_path, as location_display_name, location.name_en as location_name_en, div_policy.amount, div_policy.amount - (select sum_bet_money from fixtures_bet_sum as bet_sum where bet_sum.member_idx = 3 and bet_sum.fixture_id = fix.fixture_id and bet_sum.bet_type = 1) as leagues_m_bet_money FROM lsports_bet as bet LEFT JOIN lsports_fixtures as fix ON bet.fixture_id = fix.fixture_id LEFT JOIN lsports_participant as p1 ON fix.fixture_participants_1_id = p1.fp_id LEFT JOIN lsports_participant as p2 ON fix.fixture_participants_2_id = p2.fp_id LEFT JOIN lsports_leagues as league ON fix.fixture_league_id = LEFT JOIN dividend_policy as div_policy ON league.dividend_rank = div_policy.rank LEFT JOIN lsports_locations as location ON fix.fixture_location_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_markets as markets ON bet.markets_id = LEFT JOIN lsports_sports as sports ON = fix.fixture_sport_id WHERE ( IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 1 OR IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.display_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.display_status_passivity,fix.display_status) = 2 AND NOW() BETWEEN DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -10 MINUTE) AND DATE_ADD(IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) , INTERVAL -1 MINUTE)) AND IF('ON' = bet.passivity_flag AND bet.bet_status_passivity is NOT NULL ,bet.bet_status_passivity,bet.bet_status) = 1 AND bet.admin_bet_status = 'ON' AND bet.bet_type = 1 AND fix.fixture_id IN (11056021,11020334,11020277,11062285,11055745,11056785,11055542,11055949,11055759,11055922,11061526,11055753,11056756,11056774,11055868,11061342,10933809,11055748,11056101,11056079,11055861,11055220,11055760,11055750,11056081,11055860,11055509,11055221,11055959,11055747,11061567,11055863,11055859,11055967,11055751,11055746,11055754,11061565,11055858,11055438,11055474,11055993,11050519,11050514,11050513,11050505,11050515,11055513,11050518,11050508) AND fix.bet_type = 1 AND sports.is_use = 1 and sports.bet_type = 1 AND league.is_use = 1 and league.bet_type = 1 AND markets.bet_group = 1 AND markets.is_delete = 0 AND fix.fixture_sport_id = markets.sport_id AND div_policy.type = 1 AND div_policy.level = 1 GROUP BY bet.bet_id, bet.fixture_id,IF('ON' = fix.passivity_flag AND fix.fixture_start_date_passivity is NOT NULL ,fix.fixture_start_date_passivity,fix.fixture_start_date) ORDER BY fixture_start_date asc ,fix.fixture_sport_id,league.display_name,bet.bet_name,bet.bet_base_line *1 CRITICAL - 2023-07-26 03:09:26 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ***************** sports Time : 8 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:13 --> 11020334 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:19 --> addBetting : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:19 --> addBetting : itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:22 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> doAddBet1 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! useItem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> insertLog ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> doAddBet2 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> checkItemIdx memberIdx : 3 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> checkItemIdx itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> checkItemIdx itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> checkItemIdx item : null ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:11:23 --> checkItemIdx last $itemIdx : 0 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:28 --> addBetting : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:28 --> addBetting : itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> doAddBet1 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! useItem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> insertLog ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> doAddBet2 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> checkItemIdx memberIdx : 3 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> checkItemIdx itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> checkItemIdx itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> checkItemIdx item : null ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:14:32 --> checkItemIdx last $itemIdx : 0 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:32 --> addBetting : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:32 --> addBetting : itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> addMemberBet other_ls_bet_id :0 other_bet_price : 0 other_bet_name : ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> doAddBet1 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! useItem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INFO - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> insertLog ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> doAddBet2 : itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> checkItemIdx memberIdx : 3 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> checkItemIdx itemId : 54 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> checkItemIdx itemValue : 0.05 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> checkItemIdx item : null ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> checkItemIdx last $itemIdx : 0 ERROR - 2023-07-26 03:15:42 --> betsuccess