The place where every story in the world gathers.
Every fiction, non-fiction created by man,
and fragments of history all gathers here in [Plotia], the country of stories.

People called the queen who rules Plotia, Queen of Dream.
[Dreamer]... Your dream belongs to me from this moment,
as well as your stories... forever.
You will never escape here, Plotia…


Get a variety of rewards along with Gold and EXP through Adventure.

Plotia is in crisis!

Thomas and his friends go on an adventure to save Plotia from crisis and return to their respective stories. Who would stop them? During the adventure, you can get a variety of rewards along with Gold and EXP.

Team up with your friends to slay the powerful raid bosses and get rewards.

Please help friends~!!

Compete against these tough raid bosses with your friends. You can get raid points to buy essential items at the shop.

See who’s the strongest by forming your team along with players around the world.

World PVP!

Who would you compete against?Now your competitors are all around the world~The PVP competition starts! Go fight the world!

Power up your souls stronger, completing dungeons with different elements and classes by date.

You must run dungeons to upgrade souls!

Run dungeons every day to get tokens for skill level up, skill book, and soul pieces.

Power up your souls to challenge up to the most top floors.

A tip to strengthen your soul!

Soul abilities can increase by level up and upgrade; also, their equipment gets improved by enchanting. Try making equipment that fit for souls by attribution change feature.


Smart and versatile but lacking in execution and weak in mind. Was frustrated to see his uncle kill his father and remarry his mother. Knowing that his uncle tries to kill him, he plans revenge, but it is not as easy as he intended.


Mother of Orpheus. Seduced Apollon with charming voice. Possesses great wisdom and leadership. Blames herself for failing to protect her son in the past but is ready to show her true power.


Summoned to Floatia after being separated from Cinderella. Rumored to be reticent due to not having wits. Strong-willed and held onto the glass slipper when coming to Plotia.

Captain Roberts★★

Famous pirate whom a shark bit his hand off. Once written as a villain by a novelist. Brave but shows temper due to his impatience.


Applied to Louis XVI's musketeers following her dad's will. Lives in a huge palace with beautiful rose garden. Has a bright but clumsy personality.


Once a warm child but became cold-hearted when snow flakes got into his eyes and heart. Loyal to Snow Queen.


Denies to be called as God of Lust. Easily loses interest and look for someone else upon fully grasping a person. Known as God of Lust by the abandoned people.


Had his limbs transformed into tin after fighting the witch. Ventured on to find his lost heart and met Dorothy on the journey.


Youngest daughter of rabbit clan's chief. Playful and insightful. Enjoys teasing Turtler who came for her liver on Dragon King's command.


Goddess of the Underworld. Loves beatiful flowers and men. Wasn't kidnapped but fell for Hades and proposed herself to him.


Great Conqueror King and strategical genius. Aims for absolute power but never forgets generosity for his people.

Eleanor ★★

Duchess of Aquitaine. Received numerous proposal due to her wealth and beauty. However, wishes to find her own love and future.


One of the 72 demons of Solomon. Enjoys corrupting humans. Highly narcissistic and intolerate of being ignored.


Goddess of Strength and Wisdom. All around character. Righteous and is good friend with Nike, Goddess of Victory.


Found the secret hideout of thieves and its password [Open Sesame] by coincidence. Became famous by stealing off thieves. On the run from the same thieves ever since.


Officer of Dragon Palace who went to take the hare's liver for Dragon King. Timid but can be stubborn to complete given tasks.

Captain Kid★★★

Captain of privateers. Discovered a mirror that shows future among the pillaged treasures. Found the gate to Plotia while trying to avoid his dreadful end.

Sir Drake★★

Infamous pirate king. The first pirate to receive knighthood and led the battle against the Spanish Armada to victory. Has a freewheeling character.

Robin Hood★★

Participated in the hunting competition hosted by Eleanor, to revenge on Henry II. Famous as the righteous outlaw, based on Sherwood.


Goddess of Moon and Hunt. Does not talk with any men except Apollon and Orion. Has a merciless and thorough personality, and punishes those who disobeys law of nature.


Expert archer who never misses. Fell in love with Isolde, who was meant to marry King Mark, when she saved him after the battle with a dragon.


Guardian of Magic Library. Protects the library when it's under attack. Regards protecting the history of Plotia stored in the library as her ultimate mission.


Hero fought for independence. Killed the High Sheriff to avenge his wife and started to rebel against England for independence.


In charge of secret missions under Magic Library. Deemed to be frivolous due to cheerful personality he puts on, in order to hide his true nature.

Prince Eric★★★

Almost drowned to death but was saved by mermaid princess. Only remembers her voice.


Has a temper like her name. Controls fire with ease. Is in good mood mostly but once out of temper, no one can handle her.


The one who saved prince Eric. Sings with beautiful voice. Wishes to gain human legs and meet prince Eric once again. Trying to learn magic and transform into human without giving up her voice.


Was locked in a tower by a witch but escaped on her own in search of freedom. Looking for love in the world she only saw through the small window.


Cannot withstand staying still. Loves pulling pranks on others and watching their reactions.


Fell in love with Tristan while being planned to have a marriage of convenience with King Mark. Anguished over decision of complying with the fate or leaving for the love.


Friend of Glinda from magic academy since childhood. Has better skills than Glinda but pretends to be weaker than her.


Leader of three musketeers. The best of the best with leadership, strategic discerning, and exceptional martial arts. Shows nobility as from a reputable household. Joined three musketeers after leaving hometown due to painful past.


Illegitimate child of King Arthur. Prophesied to kill his father by Merlin. Isn't known to King Arthur as his son. Smiles a lot but doesn't show his true self.


Mother of Cinderella. Remarried after living a tough life for two daughters. Confident about her looks and became obsessive about money due to living a harsh life.

Medeia ★★

Goddess of Intellect. Possesses cruel, tough and bold personality. Fell for Jason and helped his quest to find the golden fleece. Very possessive.


Daughter of Hades. Goddess responsible for the comfort of death. Without her blessing, souls cannot rest in peace. Currently taking care of Cerberos' pup.


Son of Apollon and Kalliope. Being a lyre master, Immerses anyone who listens to him playing lyre. Married Eurydice who died after bitten by a viper. Looking for the entrance to the Nether World to plead with Hades to take her back.


Fairy who made Maugris, one of 12 knights of Charlemagne, into a powerful wizard. Also gave Astaroth, the hellish devil, to Maugris. Playful and fickle.


Son of Percival. Became the Second Grail King from the Knight of the Swan. Loves all woman same as his father, but does not love them wholeheartedly.


Once the wife of Athos, separated with him since getting caught being infamous thief in the past. Ended up as a countess after changing her identity but is keeping her status as the leader of thief guild.


Great wizard and prophet. Proficient at all magic. Was in relaionship with Vivian, the lake fairy. Objective mostly but is influenced by small matters.


Princess sworn by Don Quixote for protection. Some believed her to be from his imagination. Locked up in a tower due to a threat of marriage. Sending out rescue signals using pigeons.


Loves Hamlet but is too fragile and indecisive to cope with his delicate personality and temper. Regards the hardships from Hamlet as part of love.


Mother of Achilleus. Loves her son more than anything. Groans for marrying Peleus due to her son being prophesied to be greater than his father. Enjoys taking a nap in a cave.


Author of Divine Comedy. Decides not to write any more piece after finding out his words hold the power of God.


Famous as the red riding hood. Met a wolf on the way to visiting her grandmother. Playful and clever girl with a foul mouth. Learned to have a foul mouth from grandmother.


Queen of the fairies ruling over the forest. Built a love flower garden after finding out that rubbing the love flower's juice on eyes lets the user fall in love with the first person she sees.


Rightful queen of King Arthur who gave authority to him. Always in conflict with him due to personality difference. Accused of having an affair with Lancelot but loves King Arthur.
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